VisionBank of Iowa
FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

We at VisionBank are passionate about helping you reach your financial goal, whatever they may be. Check here for tips and suggestions for reaching your savings milestones. 

Add $200 or More Per Month to Your Savings

Saving for retirement can seem daunting. How can you possibly stash enough cash? Instead of being intimidated by the mammoth size of the entire task, try starting small. If you're saving some for retirement, but could use a little extra (and who couldn't?) try these easy tips to add a couple hundred dollars to your savings every month. Read more.

Stack Some Away For Your Summer Vacation

We know it's hard to think about summer in the dead of winter, but if you want to take a vacation when the weather warms up, it behooves you to look ahead. Here are some strategies to use to make your summer vacation dream a reality. Read more.

Three Life Situations That Make a Roth IRA Plan the Right Move

There are a variety of ways to save for retirement, but one plan that stands out is the Roth IRA. It's an easy-to-understand retirement plan that is consumer friendly. In fact, if you're in any of the following three life situations, the Roth IRA is likely a must have. Read more.

How to Start Saving For Retirement in Your 40s

If you're in your 40s and have no nest egg to speak of, don't panic. There are things that can be done. No matter what led to this situation, you can try some of the following tactics to build up a retirement fund as quickly as possible. The most important thing is that you start now. Read more. 

Recession Worries? Now is the Time to Focus

We've often preached the good word of emergency funds because they're vital to your financial health. When life takes an unexpected turn - like a recession that might be on the horizon - that fund will enable you to handle it smoothly. Read more.

How to Make Sure Debt Doesn't Snowball On You

Avoiding debt is easier said than done. Sometimes, no matter how careful you are, life happens. Your home's HVAC system goes kerplunk at the same time you car needs an expensive repair, and just like that, you're knee deep in debt. While unplanned financial valleys will happen, you can make sure they don't snowball into a mountain of debt by following some of these tips. Read more.

The material provided on this page is for informational use only and is not intended for financial, tax or investment advice. VisionBank and/or its affiliates, SavvyMoney, assume no liability for any loss or damage resulting from one's reliance on the material provided. Please also note that such material is not updated regularly and that some of the information may not therefore be current. Consult with your own financial professional and tax advisor when making decisions regarding your financial situation. 

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